Wednesday 8/19

Rest day.

Went to the doctor today because I could not kick this cold. Got some medicine. I feel better already.

A bit of some good news/bad news. My right wrist has been bugging me for 5-6 weeks and I got that checked today. Good news is that it isn't broken. Bad news is that they think I have some Tendinitis. This really limits what I can do as far as weights (Bench, HSPU, bear crawls, burpees, etc...). As long as I'm pulling on it (pull ups, Dead lift, etc...) it is fine. I think I'm going to be doing a lot of regular push ups for a while to get it back in check. I have no ETA as to when I will be good again. Other good news is that the wrist was bugging me when I was a Brea and when I did my physical agility test and I know I can do the things I need to pass the tests and do the workouts for the academy.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I hope you feel better soon. Could you use paralettes for push ups? It might now agrivate your wrist as much. Take it easy and let it heal.