Tuesday 10/13

"Big Five 55" - timed 24:33 - PR (Old PR 34:15 on 9/2/08)
10-1 Ladder
Piston Press @ 2x55#
Goblet Squat @ 70#
Box jump @ 30" box
Deadlift @ 185#
Pull up

10-1 Ladder
Ring Dips
Right Leg Lunge @ 2x25#
Left Leg Lunge @ 2x25#

I haven't done the Big Five 55 in over 13 months. I improved so much here. My box jumps were just about an inch over what I did last time (Stacked boxes vs. the wall). I feel really good about this time. I was hoping to beat my time by 5 minutes... I beat it by almost 10. For some reason, these deadlifts felt like 225#. I need to get back to more deadlifts. And burpees. And HSPU.

This second workout was basically an afterthought. I wanted to finish my full body workout today and this certainly did it. 2 10-1 ladders, 9 exercises, all in one day. Perfect.

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