Monday 10/12

25 Box Jumps @ 24"
20 Push ups
15 Box Jumps @ 28"
20 Wide Push ups
10 Box Jumps @ 36"
20 Diamond Push ups
5 Box Jumps @ 42"
10 Tiger Bend Push Ups

5 Slashers (Each Side) @ 55#
10 Burpees

25 Sprawl Ball @ 20#

I am glad I read my last time doing this box jump/push up workout. I was planning to just do 2 sets again until I saw that I wanted to do 3 rounds through. So I did that tonight. I added the Tiger Bend Push Ups for a little more of a workout. Felt good, I am going to keep those in.

I have not done Slashers at any more than 45# ever. Originally I was going to do 65# but I thought that was too big a jump. I probably would be fine at 65# for the 5 reps like I did tonight.

I still hate burpees.

Good Chest/Arms/Legs/Cardio workout.

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