Friday 9/11

"Barbara" - timed (knuckle pushups instead of regular pushups)
20 Pull ups
30 Knuckle Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats
3 minute rest

Set 1 - 2:40 - PR (Old PR 2:54)
Set 2 - 2:53 - PR (Old PR 3:22)
Set 3 - 3:51 - PR (Old PR 3:55)
Set 4 - 4:18 (PR 3:18)
Set 5 - 4:14 (PR 3:46)

WTC - For time 19:31 - PR (Old PR 21:10)
111 Flights of stairs

Barbara was the Crossfit Main WoD. I felt really good through the first 2 rounds, started slowing down and couldn't maintain my speed through the last few rounds. Pull ups killed me.

These stairs are my tribute to the men and women who ran into the World Trade Center 8 years ago. They planned on running up to the top floor - 110 flights. I did the 110 flights and 1 more for wherever their memory takes them.

1 comment:

Matt said...

great job on Barbara! Very consistent times. I plan on doing this one on Monday or Tuesday.