Friday 8/7

"Unworthy" - Modified - Timed 15:32
Squats: 80-40-20-40-80
KB Swings @ 45#: 40-20-10-20-40
Ring Dips: 20-10-5-10-20

3x5 @ 60% 1RM – 245#
2x3 @ 80% 1RM – 325#

"Unworthy" is a Gym Jones workout. I eyed it a long time ago but never did it. Thanks Mihn for reminding me of this. I subbed Ring dips for the regular dips that were in the original workout. I wanted to push out a few more sets on both rounds of deadlifts but was short on time. It was good anyway - time forced me to knock them out faster than if I had more sets to do.

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