Tuesday 7/21

Partner Track Workout

Groups of 4

Rotation - 3x at each position
P1 Partner “Wall Ball” x10 w/ 10# ball
P2 Sit Ups until “Wall Ball” completed
P3 Partner “Wall Ball” x10 w/ 10# ball
P4 Push Ups until “Wall Ball” completed

Groups of 4

Rotation - 4x at each position
P1 3 Suicides (wind sprints) @ 5-10-15 yards
P2 Russian Twist @ 10# until Suicides Completed
P3 Jump rope until Suicides Completed
P4 Rest

Rest 1 hour, Gym workout

5 x 135#
5 x 225#
5 x 275#
3 x 315#
1 x 365#
1 x 385#
1 x 405# - Tie PR
1 x 415# - Fail
1 x 415# - Fail
3 x 315#
5 x 225#
7 x 185#
10 x 155#
7 x 225#
7 x 275# - Grip failed @ 5
1 x 335#
5 x 245#
12 x 175#
21 x 135# - Grip failed @ 19

Good track workout followed by a lot of deadlifts. I need to get back into this - I tied my PR from January, but this time I did not have any issues with my back. that extra 10# was just not possible today. The grip failures happened because I just went to fatigue. It appears that finger and grip strength is my weak link in deads. Originally, I was just going to do a light warm down after 400+ but because of my inability to break my PR, I decided to just go to failure and vary the weight and reps. Most of my recent deads have been 225# and I need a better variation. I really think my form got a bit better after my day at Crossfit Brea - Thanks again Gil.

1 comment:

Matt said...

My favorite lift! I am planning to do a lot of deads on thursday. I haven't snatched in a long time so that is why I did it today. Great work on those deads. The muscle ups will come, there are great guides on the CrossFit Journal and ringtraining.com