Monday 10/27

"Elizabeth" - timed - 10:00 as rx'd
Clean @ 135#
Ring Dips

10 Renegade row (each side) @ 2x 35#
15 Weighted sit ups on Plyo ball @ 20#
15 Side bends @ 45#

Partner Row - 10 rounds
P1 - Row all out for 100 Meters
P2 - Rest

First time doing Elizabeth. This was a bit tougher than I expected with the Cleans at 135#. I don't do a lot of cleans, when I do, they are usually dead hang cleans. I have work to do. Also the first time I have done push up rows in a long time.

1 comment:

Matt said...

10 min flat on Elizabeth for your first time is awesome! the first time i did it my time was 17 min. or so. Good work!