Wednesday 1/6

Circuit - Timed -
Run 800 Meters
21 DB Swings @ 70#
21 Overhead Sit Ups @ 25#
Run 400 Meters
15 DB Swings @ 70#
15 Overhead Sit Ups @ 25#
Run 200 Meters
9 DB Swings @ 70#
9 Overhead Sit Ups @ 25#

Timed -
100 Jump Rope
50 Double Unders
100 Jump Rope

After I did about 250 jump ropes and about 25 double unders on a Bosu ball. This was a little harder than I expected. I worked up an amazing pouring sweat in my first few jumps. I ended up doing a ton of sets of 4-7 until I started getting the hang of it and even then only worked up to a few sets of double digits.

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