Friday 1/22

Academy Workout:
Stretch warm up
Group Double Time Run 1 mile - 1 Indian Sprint from back to front about 2/3 through
120 4-Count Jumping Jacks (broken up into sets)
5 4-Count Mountain Climbers
10 Reverse Push Ups (start at bottom, up for 1, no resting on the ground at the bottom - took about 90 seconds to get through the set)
10 Sit ups with legs in the air - hands to toes
10 Leg raises
10 Prisoner Squats (Hands behind head)
10 Pull Ups
10 Dips

Suicide Sprints - cones at 10 and 20 yards
1 Round Normal
1 Round Push Up at each cone
1 Round Squat at each cone
1 Round Push Up then Squat at each cone

Gym Workout - about 2 hours rest between

Crossfit WoD from yesterday
3x - Timed - 7:25
50 Double Unders
50 Back Extensions

Renegade Rows @ 50#

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