Friday 1/15

Morning workout - in uniform:
10 Minutes Running
5 minutes Jumping Jacks

Evening Workout:

Fight Gone Bad - Rx'd rounds

3 rounds of 1 minute sets with 1 minute rest between rounds

Wall-Ball w/ 20# ball and 10" target
Sumo deadlift high pull @ 75#
Box Jumps 20" box
Push Press @ 75#

Count all reps and calories for row

Round 1: 22-18-2-32-16
Round 2: 17-16-14-23-14
Round 3: 16-14-14-21-13

Total Reps 252.

Missed my PR by 5. I set up the bar at 95# and didn't catch it until I was already into the workout. I changed it during the first round and missed almost the whole round. Really mad at myself for this. Dumb mistake cost me a PR. I am still not 100% better from my cold. Lungs were really hurting after this. Calves were cramping up during box jumps. All this and I still could have crushed my PR in this. Next time.

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