Wednesday 12/30

Tabata Something Else - Hell Version
Burpee Pull Ups - 4-4-5-5-4-4-4-5 = 35
DB Swings @ 70# - 10-11-8-8-6-8-7-8 = 60
KtE - 7-5-5-4-5-4-5-5 = 40
Renegade Rows @ 2x45# - 4-3-4-3-4-3-4-5 = 30

Total = 165
Total Low = 17

21-15-9 - Timed - 3:34
Box Jumps @ 24"
Sit Ups

Renegade Rows = Push Up, Right Row, Left Row

This version of Tabata Something Else is nasty, painful and really made me want to meet Pukie. It was hard getting more than 4 Burpee Pull Ups a round. My 2 sets of 5 were more like blocks instead of squats into the pushup just to try and rush through them.

Good quick workout.

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