Wednesday 12/23

Mini Tri - Timed - 39:03
1500 Meter Row
6 Mile Bike
1.5 Mile Run

Rest 2 hours then:

10 Incline Sit Ups
10 Anchored Russian Twists @ 45#
10 (each side) Lunges @ 40# (Dumbbell in one hand for 10 Alternating Lunges then switch hands)

Back Extensions @ 30#

Box Jumps @ 24" + 15# (In one hand, alternating hand on each set, kept in left for 3-2-1 to even out)
Sit Ups x2

3 Box Jumps @ 42"
15 Double Sit Ups

3 (each side) Single Leg Box Jump @ 24" - foot does not go down between jumps

I wanted to do something different tonight. I got in a lot of good stabilization workouts and off balance workouts with the one hand weights. Good finish to the day.

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