Monday 12/28

Crossfit "12 Rounds of Christmas" - timed - 39:55 (Old time 45:53 on 12/15/08)
1st Round - 50 Jump Rope
2nd Round - 2 Pull Ups
3rd Round -3 Hands Stand Push Ups (HSPU)
4th Round - 4 Knees to Elbow (KTE)
5th Round - 5 Squats
6th Round - 6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) @ 95#
7th Round - 7 Sit Ups
8th Round - 8 DB Swings @ 65#
9th Round - 9 Walking Lunges
10th Round - 10 Thrusters @95#
11th Round - 11 Turkish Get Ups (TGU's) @ 45#
12th Round - 12 Burpees

The workout is done like the song.
1st round 50 rope jumps
2nd round 2 pull ups and 50 rope jumps
3rd round 3 HSPU, 2 pull ups and 50 rope jumps

I beat my PR from a year ago by 6 minutes. Wow!

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