Saturday 11/7

Ball 50 - Compare to 6/9 (15:10)

With 20# ball in hand for every exercise except double unders – timed - 14:22(PR)
50 Sit ups
50 Double unders
50 Sit ups
50 Walking lunge steps
50 Sit ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit ups

Box Jump Complex
12" Box jump Right side
12" Box jump Left side
12" Box jump
18" Box jump Right side
18" Box jump Left side
18" Box jump
24" Box jump Right side
24" Box jump Left side
24" Box jump

This complex was much much harder than I could have anticipated. For left and right side jumps it was jump up and then off the other side and then back. Then twist and jump up. Not timed.

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