Tuesday 9/1

Annie - 6:34 (PR 06:01)
Double Unders
Sit Ups

Run 800 Yards
21 Renegade Rows @ 2x40#
21 DB Swings @ 65#
Run 600 Yards
15 Renegade Rows @ 2x40#
15 DB Swings @ 65#
Run 400 Yards
9 Renegade Rows @ 2x40#
9 DB Swings @ 65#

Annie... 2nd time missing my PR. New jump rope - a bit too long. I got it tangled up going to 10 and had to take a few seconds off to untangle it. All excuses. I need to do better. Sit ups were not the part slowing me down this time.

I need to get back do doing burpees, double unders and db swings. Basics.

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