Monday 8/31

Run 400 Meters - Warmup

10 (Each Side) Lunges @ 115#
10 (Each Side) Side Bends @ 45#

10 (Each Side) Box Step Ups to 18" @ 115#-135#
15 Weighted Sit Ups @ 45#

10 (Each Side) Side Bends

Knee Jumps
5 @ 45#
5 @ 65#
5 @ 85#
5 @ 105#

10 Ball Throws from Bosu @ 13#
10 L Pull Ups

This was not my plan today. I planned to do Fran tonight. I tested one Thruster for my wrist and was done. It still hurts to do that motion with my wrist bent back. I had to rest for about 10 minutes before I could do anything. All this was on the fly. The workout was challenging but I was also trying to stay healthy

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