Monday 8/3

Timed - 5:43
150 Dumbbell Swings @ 45#

4x - w/ 20# Weight Vest
Run 400 Meters
25 Push Ups
25 Double Unders

DB Swings got really tough the last half. Had to break them up after 50.

2nd part of this workout was stupid hard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's an evolution (courtesy of Mark Twight)...while listenning to Kira whine...

Squats: 80-40-20-40-80
KB Swings: 40-20-10-20-40
Dips: 20-10-5-10-20
5 Rounds
i.e 1st set (80 squats - 40 KB swings - 20 dips)
... 2nd set (40 squats - 20 KB swings - 10 dips)
... etc.