Thursday 7/23

Track Workout
20 Squats + 20 second hold at bottom of last squat
20 Push ups + 10 seconds hold at bottom of last push up
60 Second Plank
100 Jump Rope

Partner Ball Throw
10 Chest Press w/ 10# ball
10 Overhead Throw w/ 10# ball
10 Underhand Throw w/ 10 # ball

90 minutes after track workout.

10 x 135#
10 x 185
5 x 225#
2 x 275# (PR)
1 x 295# (PR)
1 x 315# (PR)
10 L-Pull Ups
1 x 315# (PR)
5 x 225#
5 x 45# OHS
10 L-Pull Ups

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