Friday 6/26


3.5 Mile morning bike ride - It was a quick jaunt out to find an eagle that made its home at the lake. I got some great pictures before I was eaten alive by mosquitoes.

Travel day home.

Gym at night.

"Lynne" - 5 Rounds, no time limit
Max body weight bench press
Max pull ups

Round 1 - 15/17
Round 2 - 14/14
Round 3 - 12/15
Round 4 - 11/14
Round 5 - 11/15

10 Hip Extensions @ 45#
10 Anchored Russian Twists @ 45#
10 Slashers (Each side) @ 45#

50 Overhead Sit ups @ 45#

Burpup challenge day 26
52 Burpups

The burpups were really bad today because I got a pretty bad stitch in my side during the weighted sit ups. Good day of working out, it was nice to be back. First time doing Lynne. This was a rough workout and I should really not be doing this if I am at the end of a Burpup Challenge.

1 comment:

Matt said...

The burpups are killing me too. I am thinking about taking the rest of the month off and just doing the burpups. That 100s workout it insane and I will definately do that one in July.