Sunday 2/21

"Jones Crawl" - PR 4:04 (Old PR 4:48 on 8/23/09)
10 deadlift @ 195#
25 box jump @ 24"

Deck Squats @ 45#
Slashers (Each Side) @ 45#

Annie - PR 5:28 (Old PR 5:39 on 12/29/09)
Double Unders
Sit Ups

5 Narrow Grip L-Chin Ups
5 Wide Grip L-Pull Ups
5 Behind the head shoulder press @ 45#
5 Wide Grip L-Pull Ups
5 Narrow Grip L-Chin Ups

5 1-Leg Box Jump (each side) @ 18"
1 minute - Alternating 10 Second Static Squat w/ 1 foot on Bosu then switching

I feel really good about this workout. 2 PRs on 2 tough workouts. I couldn't believe how long it had been since I did all three of these workouts. Last time I did Jones Crawl I weighed 8# more and was up 10# on the Deadlifts.

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