Wednesday 1/20

First day of academy workout. We really didn't do much - 20 push ups, 8 8-count mountain climbers, 70 4-count jumping jacks, 10 burpees, 2 pull ups, 2 dips, stretching.

"Ball 50" - Timed - 15:39 (PR is 14:22)
With 20# ball in hand for every exercise except double unders
50 Sit ups
50 Double unders
50 Sit ups
50 Walking lunge steps
50 Sit ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit ups

2 Box Jump Complex
10 Pull Ups
10 Ab Wheel
10 Ball Throw from Bosu @ 13#

3x5 Box Jumps @ 42"

I don't feel bad about missing my Ball 50 time. I made the workout harder - I moved the weight to my chest for the sit ups, instead of holding it out or up or over. I don't use a ball anymore, makes it better with a 20# dumbbell on my chest for sit ups and 2x10# dumbbells in my hands for burpees. Just as tough and I don't wreck my medicine ball.

1 Box Jump Complex:
12" Box jump
12" Box jump Right side
12" Box jump Left side
18" Box jump
18" Box jump Right side
18" Box jump Left side
24" Box jump
24" Box jump Right side
24" Box jump Left side

I also have never done this many box jumps at this 42" height before. Usually I don't do more than 3x3 or 5 total.

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