Thursday 12/17

200 - Timed - 19:36
20 Right Arm Thrusters @ 50#
20 Left Arm Thrusters @ 50#
20 Right Leg Lunges @ 2x60#
20 Left Leg Lunges @ 2x60#
20 Renegade Rows @ 2x60#
20 Goblet Squats @ 85#
20 GHDs
20 Dips
20 Double Unders

Added Timed - 25:14 total
20 Sit Ups
20 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
20 Back Extensions
20 KtE

Peter wrote this workout. Good times.

This is the most weight I have ever done with Renegade Rows. HSPU killed me after yesterday.

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