Saturday 11/21

DB Swings @ 55#
Pull Ups
2x Push Ups
2x Sit Ups
Box Jumps
Supine Rows @ 25#

5 DB Swings @ 70#
10 Dips
5 DB Swings @ 80#
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 DB Swings @ 90#
10 Dips
5 DB Swings @ 100#
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 DB Swings @ 110#
10 Dips
5 DB Swings @ 120#
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 DB Swings @ 120#
10 Dips
5 DB Swings @ 120#
5 Strict Pull Ups

Worked my way up to 3x5 120# DB Swings. That was rough. But Good. I don't think I have ever swung more than about 75# or 85#. I guess this is a PR, but not a max PR.

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