Monday 11/30

On the minute:
3 Burpees
5 Cleans @ 65#
Max Push Ups

Repeat every minute until you do 150 Push ups

8 rounds.

3 Minute AMRAP:
3 Deadlift @ 185#
6 Sit Ups
9 Squats

1 minute rest between rounds

Round 1: 5+3
Round 2: 5+3
Round 3: 5+3
Round 4: 4+3+6+2
Round 5: 4+3+6+4

84 Deadlifts
150 Sit Ups
213 Squats

I did 50 push ups my first round. And 17 my second. I was at 147 after my 7th round. I just couldn't fit those extra 3 in anywhere.

This may be one of the toughest workouts I have put together. I took these as WoDs from other Crossfit sites and modified them. The first workout was from Crossfit Sunshine Coast and they had it as a partner workout with Medicine Ball Cleans. The second part was modified from Crossfit Oceanside. It too called for cleans and push ups so I modified it to deadlifts and sit ups since I just worked the first two.

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