Thursday 8/13

25 Squats
20 Double Sit Ups
15 Push Ups
10 Jumping Squats

Partner Work
P1 - 100 Yard ball throw @ 20# ball
P2 - Sprint until P1 is done

Crossfit WoD
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

14+9 (PR)

Ball Throws - Rounds 1-3-5 = overhead/chest press and backwards, Round 2-4 = alternating side throws.

I ran the width of the football field up and back 2 times during my running.

Official 1 year of my workout blog. I have really found this to be a useful tool in aiding me to do better, work harder and lift more than just a paper and pencil.

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