Thursday 7/16

Bench for Max
5 x 135#
5 x 155#
5 x 185#
5 x 205#
3 x 225#
1 x 245#
1 x 265# (Old PR)
1 x 295# (Fail)
1 x 275# (Fail)

5 Renegade Row (Each Side) @ 2x40#
10 Back Extensions @ 25#
10 KtE
15 Pull Ups
20 Ring Dips
25 Push Ups
30 Sit Ups

I miscalculated my weights. After 265 I swapped out plates and thought it was 275 but was 295, I over exerted myself here on failure then too quickly went for 275. I'm not happy with myself for not paying enough attention to what I was doing.

The second part of the workout was easier than I expected. The ring dips and the push ups right after were the most difficult part of this.

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