Thursday's brutal workout

Softball practice for about an hour before going to the gym.

Started with the Crossfit WOD for time - 20:10 (rx'd)

Three rounds for time of:
50 Jump rope, double unders
50 Hip Extensions
50 GHD Sit-ups

At this point, I put on my 20# weight vest and finished the workout with 3x Supersets

Set 1:
10 Russian Twists with 35# weight on 45 incline situp
45 Second Plank

Set 2:
20 mountain climbers
Bridge with 10 triceps extension @ 25#

Set 3
10 Burpees
10 Pull ups

Set 4
10 Knees to elbow
10 Dips

Set 5
10 push ups - alternating hand on plyo ball
10 Supine row

10 Standing Calf raises - 495# on machine (Max)

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